Related Services
Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapy services can facilitate a child’s ability to function within the classroom and school environments by enhancing fine motor skills including grasp patterns, in-hand manipulation and muscle strength. Visual motor and perceptual skills, motor planning, bilateral motor control, sensory processing and adaptive self-care skills are also component areas that may be addressed. Our occupational therapists work with children individually, in small groups and in larger supported groups.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy services can enhance a child’s gross motor skills. They may focus on developing mobility, posture, balance, gait, coordination, strength/endurance and the ability to organize movements as the child moves through educational environments. Our physical therapists work with children individually and in small groups.
Speech and Language Therapy
Speech and language therapists work with children individually, in small groups, in the classroom settings. They address receptive language (the child’s understanding of the spoken word, directions, concepts and questions), expressive language (the child’s ability to communicate a message using a combination of sounds, words and/or gestures), and articulation.
School Psychologist
The psychologist administers standardized testing, functional behavior assessments, behavioral intervention plans, and counseling services. Initial intake evaluations are completed in the areas of cognition, social skills, and adaptive abilities. Our psychologist is a key member of the developmental assessment team.